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GGWP Meaning: What Does GGWP Mean?

If you are wondering about the GGWP meaning then you are not alone. It can be a very mystifying acronym when first encountered. Don’t worry though as below you will find the GGWP meaning and other useful information pertaining to it.

GGWP - Good Game, Well PlayedWhat Does the Acronym GGWP Mean?

The meaning of GGWP is “Good Game, Well Played”. It is a nice gesture used in the gaming world when a game has come to an end. If used at the wrong time while playing a game it can appear to be taken as a rude gesture.

It is similar to “GG” which means “Good Game”.

When Did the Acronym GGWP Start Being Used?

The composition of GGWP, or good game, well played, first appeared with the creation of multiplayer games during the early 1990’s. The broken down form of the acronym is GG, or good game, and is thought to have originated with the creation of the online multiplayer game StarCraft.

Other meanings of GGWP

Good game, well played, or GGWP, doesn’t appear to have any other meanings to it. There are alterations to the acronym like GG, or good game that is a more widely used form of the acronym in the gaming world today.

Another form of the acronym is GG EZ, which means “good game, easy win”. This means that the game was good, and that the opponents lacked the skills to defeat your team. Of course, the other team will find that form of the acronym to be rude. GGS is another form of GGWP. It just simply means good games.

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When to Use the Acronym GGWP

After a game has finished it is polite to tell the other players GGWP. This can be used by both the winners and the losers and is thought to be a nice gesture. It is a way of saying that everyone played well, and it was fun. GG, or good game, as well as GGS, or good games, can be used in the same way. GG EZ is not as nice. This means that the other players were easily defeated and many in the gaming world find it rude. In some games, players have been banned for using that acronym. GG could also be used in a negative way and is also frowned upon in the gaming world. Players who start off the game using that acronym are simply stating that the opponent isn’t capable of beating them.

Examples of Sentences Using the Acronyms GGWP, GGS, GG, and GG EZ

Here is a polite example of how to use GGWP correctly:

After a game has finished and before the players close the game simply type in the chat box “GGWP”.

Using that one simple acronym will tell others that they all played the game well and that you enjoyed it. The use of “GG” after the game has the same meaning.

If you have played a few games with the same people you could use the “GGS” plural form of the acronym to tell everyone that they played good games, and that you enjoyed them all.

Here is an example of how to use “GG” in a negative way:

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Right after the game begins simply type “GG” or “GG EZ” into the chat box. This tells all of the other players that you are bored, and that they lack the skill to defeat you. Beware as in some games this will get you banned from the game.

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