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Bí kíp luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC: A number of & An amount of

Hai cụm từ trên đều là những từ chỉ lượng đặt sau danh từ, nhưng khi gặp dạng bài tập đòi hỏi phải chọn 1 trong 2 cụm này chúng ta dựa vào đâu để giải quyết?

Chương này sẽ giúp các bạn phân biệt rõ cấu trúc sử dụng của hai cụm từ này để xử lý các câu hỏi có liên quan trong bài thi TOEIC.

A number of & An amount of

1. A number of

a) Cấu trúc

Trong đó: N (số nhiều) là danh từ số nhiều

V (số nhiều) là động từ chia ở dạng số nhiều

Ví dụ: A number of people have lost their job. (Một số người đã mất việc làm.)

b) Cách dùng

A number of (Một số những…): dùng để diễn tả một số trong tổng thể, đi với danh từ số nhiều, động từ chia ở số nhiều.

Ví dụ: A number of students have part-time jobs. (Một số sinh viên có việc làm thêm.)

2. An amount of

a) Cấu trúc

Trong đó: N (không đếm được) là danh từ không đếm được

V (số ít) là động từ chia theo dạng số ít

Ví dụ: An amount of water has been polluted. (Một lượng nước đã bị ô nhiễm.)

b) Cách dùng

An amount of: dùng để nói về số lượng; đi với danh từ không đếm được và động từ số ít.

Ví dụ: An amount of water has been polluted. (Một lượng nước đã bị ô nhiễm.)

Bài tập

Exercise 1. Put “a number of” or “an amount of” in the blanks.

1. I undertook ________ work.

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2. ________ students are going to the class.

3. ________ answers have been given.

4. My brother spends ________ time on his interest.

5. We’ve had ________ help from people.

6. ________ applicants have already been interviewed.

7. ________ food was wasted every year.

8. ________ people are walking in the park.

9. She had ________ respect for the marketing team, but she always dissented when they spoke at meetings.

10. ________ cows are eating the grass.

Đáp án:

1. an amount of 6. A number of

2. A number of

3. A number of

4. an amount of

5. an amount of

6. A number of

7. An amount of

8. A number of

9. an amount of

10. A number of

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answers.

1. _______ gifts she received on her birthday made her friend surprised.

A. The number of

B. An amount of

C. A number

D. A number of

2. There was a huge _______ support from the Council.

A. amount

B. number

C. number of

D. amount of

3. The chef put the right _______ sugar in this dish.

A. amount

B. amount of

C. number

D. number of

4. _______ employees went on strike for higher salaries yesterday.

A. The number of

B. An amount of

C. A number

D. A number of

5. _______ fish will be caught next week.

A. Number of

B. A number of

C. A number

D. An amount of

6. When you grow up, you will enjoy a certain _______ freedom.

A. amount

B. number of

C. number

D. amount of

7. The ship was only carrying _______ frozen chickens.

A. the number of

B. an amount of

C. a number

D. a number of

8. A considerable _______ traffic was recorded on this road today.

A. amount of

B. number of

C. number

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D. amount

9. The disease affected _______ cows on the farm.

A. a number of

B. an amount of

C. a number

D. number of

10. _______ people have applied for the job.

A. The number of

B. An amount of

C. A number

D. A number of

Đáp án:

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. D

7. D

8. A

9. A

10. D

Exercise 3. Use “an amount of” or “a number of” combined with the words in brackets to form complete sentences.

1. _________ (large) people have flocked to the city.

2. The company invested _________ (large) money in the stock market this year.

3. My brother spends _________ time on his interest.

4. This town is famous for _________ (large) birds.

5. _________ (small) animals have died due to the flood last week.

6. _________ water has been polluted.

7. _________ problems have arisen during the conference.

8. Tom invited _________ (huge) guests to his party last month.

9. On the other hand, birds have very high energetic requirements, meaning that they need to eat _________ (great) food daily.

10. Europeans are seeing _________ (growing) migrants and refugees coming from Syria.

Đáp án:

1. A large number of people have flocked to the city.

2. The company invested a large amount of money in the stock market this year.

3. My brother spends an amount of time on his interest.

4. This town is famous for a large number of birds.

5. A small number of animals have died due to the flood last week.

6. An amount of water has been polluted.

7. A number of problems have arisen during the conference.

8. Tom invited a huge number of guests to his party last month.

9. On the other hand, birds have very high energetic requirements, meaning that they need to eat a great amount of food daily.

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10. Europeans are seeing a growing number of migrants and refugees coming from Syria.

Exercise 4. Put “amount” or “number” in the blanks.

1. I’m busy these days so I have a little ______ of time to talk to you now.

2. Luckily, we have had a large ______ of new products this week.

3. My dad has just got a promotion so he has a huge ______ of salary now.

4. The surrounding environment has been cleaner as a large ______ of people recycle their rubbish.

5. My sister has lost her job and she has a huge ______ of debt.

6. My lesson has been canceled so I’ve got a considerable ______ of time to talk to you.

7. Unfortunately, we have had a ______ of complaints from the guests recently.

8. Thanks to a substantial ______ of help from our relatives, we could overcome our financial setback.

Đáp án:

1. amount

2. number

3. amount

4. number

5. amount

6. amount

7. number

8. amount

Bài tập luyện thi Part 5 TOEIC

Ứng với mỗi bài đọc trong loạt bài Part 5 TOEIC này, mình sẽ cung cấp một bài tập áp dụng giúp bạn ôn luyện luôn phần vừa đọc, từ đó giúp bạn nắm vững hơn phần đã được hướng dẫn.

Để làm bài tập áp dụng, mời bạn click chuột vào Bài tập luyện thi TOEIC.

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  • A number of & The number of

  • A number of & An amount of

  • Another/The other/Others/The others

  • Phân biệt Most & Almost

  • Though/Although/Even though & Inspite of/Despite

  • Phân biệt Spend & Waste

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