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Binance Launchpad

Launchpad Subscription Allocation Calculation and BNB Deduction Rules

In the new Launchpad subscription format, users can commit an amount of BNB towards a token sale, where their final allocation of the new token is determined by the ratio of their committed BNB against the total committed BNB by all participating users.

The initial rough calculation of each participant’s final token allocation is:

Individual committed BNB / Total committed BNB by all participants) * Total ABC tokens to be sold on Launchpad.

For example, a total of 100,000,000 ABC tokens are being offered in a new Launchpad session. A user commits 5,000 BNB and 9 other users commit a total of 100,000 BNB during the subscription period.

This user would receive a ratio of 5,000 BNB / 105,000 BNB, or 4.76% of all tokens (4,761,905 ABC) offered in the first step of the calculation.

Calculation Step 1

However, since there is a Hard Cap per user, users that hit the hard cap will have their allocation passed onto other participants that committed less BNB. We will use a hard cap of 20,000,000 ABC tokens for this example.

Calculation Step 2

Since both User 1 and User 2 have reached the hard cap, their additional allocation of 36,190,476 ABC tokens will be distributed between the remaining users based on their commitment ratio.

Calculation Step 3

The final ABC allocation is shown above and will be allocated to each user during the final distribution phase.

The user that originally held 7,000 BNB was allocated 16,800,000 ABC tokens after the hard cap adjustment was made (up from 6,666,667 ABC calculated in the first step).

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BNB Deduction Calculation

Once the final token allocation is finalized, we will deduct the corresponding amount from each user’s locked BNB balance based on the predetermined ABC to BNB rate.

Amount of BNB to deduct for each user = Final ABC Allocation * Pre-set ABC/BNB price

Using User 3 in the third table above for example, if the ABC/BNB price was set at 0.000222222, the final amount of BNB to be deducted from User 3’s locked BNB would be 16,800,000 * 0.000222222 = 3,733.3296 BNB.

Frequently Asked Questions on Launchpad Subscription

1. How can we participate? How does the new format work?

  • Step 1: Calculate your participation limit

Your participation limit will be determined by your average BNB balance over a set period of days. You do not need to stake or do anything additional with your BNB during this period.

  • Step 2: Commit BNB

Once your participation limit is determined, you will be able to commit and lock any amount of BNB up to your participation limit to receive Launchpad tokens.

  • Step 3: Calculation

Once the BNB commitment period is over, we will calculate each user’s token allocation for around 1 hour.

  • Step 4: BNB is deducted for Launchpad tokens

Once each user’s final allocation is determined, a portion of your locked BNB will be deducted for Launchpad tokens. Both your BNB and Launchpad tokens will be automatically transferred to your spot wallet.

2. Will BNB in Launchpool or BNB Vault count towards my participation limit calculation?

Yes, the average BNB calculation is the same as the previous Launchpad lottery format. You can keep your BNB in Launchpool or BNB Vault and still have the amount count towards your participation limit. For a list of all accounts where BNB balances will be recorded, please refer to this article here.

Chuyên gia chia sẻ

3. When do I need to commit my BNB?

Users only need to commit their BNB during the subscription period, which is after the average BNB calculation period. Please refer to the project page or announcement for specific dates and times of each period.

4. What does the hard cap per user mean?

The hard cap means the maximum amount of Launchpad token allocation each user can receive. It does NOT mean the maximum amount of BNB that you can commit. For a detailed example of the hard cap being implemented, please refer to this article here.

5. Is my BNB locked during the daily average BNB calculation phase?

No, your BNB can be in any of the accepted accounts listed here during the calculation phase and is not locked.

6. Where is my committed BNB locked during the subscription phase?

Your BNB will be locked into a separate Launchpad wallet during the subscription period after you commit. You can lock your BNB at any time during the subscription period, even within the final 30 minutes, if you are worried about not having access to your BNB after it is committed.

7. Can I commit my BNB even if my BNB is in Launchpool or BNB Vault?

While you may leave your BNB in Launchpool or BNB Vault to count towards your participation limit, you will need to redeem your BNB from Launchpool and/or BNB Vault to your spot wallet during the subscription period to actually commit BNB.

8. Is there a minimum amount of BNB I can commit?

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The minimum amount of BNB that can be committed is 0.1 BNB.

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