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Please refer to the Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information again. Please note that the deadline for selection of repayment method and registration of payee information (“Selection and Registration”) has been changed to April 6, 2023 (Japan time). The contents other than the deadline are the same as those on December 1, 2022, December 20, 2022, February 8, 2023, February 22, 2023, March 1, 2023, March 7, 2023, March 23, 2023, and March 28, 2023.

Rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration by the deadline will not be able to receive any of the repayments below.

・Early Lump-Sum Repayment

・Repayment for a Portion of Cryptocurrency Rehabilitation Claims in Cryptocurrency

・Repayment by Bank Remittance

・Repayment by Remittance through a Fund Transfer Service Provider

Therefore, rehabilitation creditors who have not completed the Selection and Registration should refer to the following Notice regarding the Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information and other relevant information the Rehabilitation Trustee provided the rehabilitation creditors with and complete the Selection and Registration immediately, as the deadline is fast approaching. This is the final notice to all of rehabilitation creditors from the Rehabilitation Trustee about the deadline for Selection and Registration.

In addition, in order to carry out the Selection and Registration, it is necessary to log in to the MTGOX Online Rehabilitation Claim Filing System (i.e., the “System”). If you are unable to log in to the System, you must apply for the Creditor Code and make various other applications in advance.If you have not yet completed the necessary applications, please promptly complete them. If you file your applications from now on, the Rehabilitation Trustee may not be able to approve your applications by the deadline due to a large number of applications, lack of sufficient time to correct deficiencies in your application, or other reasons. Please note that MTGOX and the Rehabilitation Trustee will not be liable for any rehabilitation creditor’s failure to log in to the System and carry out the Selection and Registration by the deadline as a result.

Chuyên gia chia sẻ  Học - Thi -Tuyển sinh

【Important】Request to Select a Repayment Method and Register Payee Information.

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Phạm Văn Sỹ

Tôi là Phạm Văn Sỹ chuyên gia uy tín trong lĩnh vực kinh tế và kinh doanh là sinh viên của trường Đại học Ngoại Thương. Với kiến thức sâu rộng sau 12 năm ở bên ngoài thương trường thị trường tôi mong muốn chia sẻ các kiến thức chuyên sâu hữu ích dành cho mọi người.

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