Kiến thức


PixInsight Plugin (v2.1.x)

From now on I am planning to have two kinds of downloads for PixInsight: update package that only contains newest StarNet-pxm library and no Tensorflow libraries. This should be used to replace previous version of StarNet installed without changing your existing installation. The fresh install package contains all the necessary libraries as before.

Older releases can be found here.


PI versions 1.8.9-1 and lower:

Update: StarNet2_Win_2.1.0_tf_x64_update.zipFresh install:

PI versions 1.8.9-2 and higher:

Update: StarNet2_win_2.1.1-0126_TF_x64_update.zipFresh install:

Mac OS

Notes for Mac OS installation:

  1. If PixInsight does not find new module after you copied all the files, try copying libtensorflow.2.dylib and libtensorflow_framework.2.dylib into /Applications/PixInsight/ you use Finder to do this, you will need to navigate into /Applications/PixInsight/, right-click PixInsight and choose ‘Show Package Contents’ and go further from there as usual.
  2. There is a bug in PI for MacOS that results in an error installing process modules (not only StarNet). When installing using Process -> Modules -> Install Modules do not click on the StarNet module after you do search, just hit Search->Install. Otherwise, the installation will error out. If you did click on on module name to view its properties (confirm version, etc.) you will need to restart PI and try again.

PI versions 1.8.9-1 and lower:

Update: StarNet2_MacOS_2.1.0_tf_x64_update.zipFresh install:

PI versions 1.8.9-2 and higher:

Please make sure to read the Note #2 above!

Update: StarNet2_MacOS_2.1.1-0126_TF_x64_updateFresh install:


PI versions 1.8.9-1 and lower:

Chuyên gia chia sẻ  Ransomware là gì?

Update: StarNet2_linux_2.1.0_tf_x64_update.zipFresh install:

PI versions 1.8.9-2 and higher:

Update: StarNet2_linux_2.1.1-0126_TF_x64_update.zipFresh install:

Command Line Tool (v2.0.0)

Will be updated soon.


Fresh install:


Fresh install:


Fresh install:

Graphical User Interface


Fresh install:

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